Thank you, Stasha. Yes, it seems a good time to make some inner changes- break the “bad” habits (ones that are self destructive) and replace them with “good” habits (ones that nurture and help the self grow in some manner in the direction of our personal goals).
I quit smoking pot last August, not because I think it’s bad, but because I didn’t feel it was helpful to me personally and I was coughing more.
I improved my oral hygiene habits instead with more flossing, water pic and electric toothbrush.
I quit teaching yoga at the end of October, not because I think it was bad, but because I had a bad attitude around not being paid when not enough students showed up and I needed a reset.
I replaced teaching with a new habit of a daily home practice in January that gives me not only joy but self confidence in my ability to self discipline and, of course, a happier body (all four of them)!
Everyone’s path is different and everyone can listen within and create a way forward to be more authentic and true to themselves. This will create a better world.
I once saw a bumper sticker that read, “a world of wanted children would make a world of difference.” I believe that whole heartedly. I also believe that a world of authentic happy people will make a world of difference.
Thank you for your suggestions about 5-minute daily mundane activities or mindfulness. I will try one or two — but on the one about taking my books off the shelf at 6am and replacing them at 6pm! 🤪
anthroposophist - never knew this word! I probably would have been that if I had heard of it as I was choosing my life path!
Thank you, Stasha. Yes, it seems a good time to make some inner changes- break the “bad” habits (ones that are self destructive) and replace them with “good” habits (ones that nurture and help the self grow in some manner in the direction of our personal goals).
I quit smoking pot last August, not because I think it’s bad, but because I didn’t feel it was helpful to me personally and I was coughing more.
I improved my oral hygiene habits instead with more flossing, water pic and electric toothbrush.
I quit teaching yoga at the end of October, not because I think it was bad, but because I had a bad attitude around not being paid when not enough students showed up and I needed a reset.
I replaced teaching with a new habit of a daily home practice in January that gives me not only joy but self confidence in my ability to self discipline and, of course, a happier body (all four of them)!
Everyone’s path is different and everyone can listen within and create a way forward to be more authentic and true to themselves. This will create a better world.
I once saw a bumper sticker that read, “a world of wanted children would make a world of difference.” I believe that whole heartedly. I also believe that a world of authentic happy people will make a world of difference.
Thank you for your suggestions about 5-minute daily mundane activities or mindfulness. I will try one or two — but on the one about taking my books off the shelf at 6am and replacing them at 6pm! 🤪
Love this sharing so much!
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