"We need Ego as much as we need Animal Body as much as we need Soul. We need the complex mish-mash marriage of the All of it to be full in our humanity."

I have been knocking heads with various "non-duality" folks who claim we are only Soul and all else is simply illusion. I agree with you that we are multi-faceted and more multi-dimensional as living beings.

I recommend a book by Philip Shepherd, 'Radical Wholeness,' where he describes how we have two (arguably more) centers of consciousness - our rational head-brain (ego) and our intuitive gut-brain (feelings, sensation) located in our pelvic bowl. The two consciousness centers are linked by the vagus nerve and optimally synchronize with each other. The problem, of course, is we have created a hyper rational world and denigrated, shamed, and ignored our sensuous wisdom. We have created a society with a lot of head and lacking in heart/feelings.

Being a body-worker, Philip has devised a series of centering and grounding exercises to reacquaint ourselves with our body-wisdom and to synchronize our rational and sensual wisdoms for a fuller experience of being. We are collectively stuck in what he calls "the tyranny of the head" and must do the work to re-establish a balance, an integration, of our two 'minds.'


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Valuable sharing for me- thank you. I will get his book today!

Appreciate your reflections and offering here. We are a society of a lot of head- yes. And…we need to find our way back into our animal body, soul body, feeling body. But not completely destroy head. Though some temporary Queen of hearts: off with her head is sometimes helpful. lol

As we find our way into sensing upside down in wonderland again

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Why not credit the artists for using their work?

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In this instance, it had trouble attributing. Will keep searching and link artist names asap.

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Hello- I do! Occasionally I miss.

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