Waking in the belly of the dark, today I feel anticipation…
anticipation of the dawning of light.
Yesterday was the Sol sistere. Solstice. In latin -the sun is standing still. The shortest day. The longest night. A moment in time to honor the sacred out of time and within all beings -mineral, plant, animal, human. to honor the light in all things. To honor the dark and her blessing wisdom.
Dark, so dark, we curled inward. Becoming cocoons. Dark, so dark, we inched within to the deepest dark of night. Becoming spirals. I found a spiral inside a plant in my home..a tiny baby snail. Alive. Spiraled in. Tentacles emerging vulnerably outward. Hello! Hello!
Today, the lengthening begins, as we step into the Sun Dawning of Winter. Journeying with sacred dreams. Into white, into star, into glow. Into I too, am Sun anew.
And I sit in the dark, now joined by my just waking teen daughter, and the sweet squeak of our cat Acorn. The low purr of our other cat Violet. In the silence of morning. Awaiting the light. So that we too may sing into the dawn. Cherishing Sun, Celebrating Sun. Celebrating the dark, who holds the light, the way a good friend holds a tender story. As earth stands still and holds her breath.
Soon, we glide into the gilded 12 holy days and nights of darkness from 12/24 - 1/6
Do you honor these days, these holy days and nights? Tune in to the cosmic in breath, holding breath, stillness, when we literally are at a stand still with the angels, to hear how the stars speak. To hear their poetry in our dreams, in our waking wanderings.
Ritual. Wheels. Cycles. Stories. In breath, out breath. We contract, we expand. Rhythms are simple. Spring. Summer. Fall. Winter. Seed. Blossom. Fruit. Death. Seed.
Equinox. Solstice. Equinox. Solstice.
Rhythms between rhythms.
Here we are at Winter Solstice. Yule. Christmas. Christ-mas. 12 days of Christmas. to honor the lengthening year. Each night, a dreaming of the year to come. Each month. Each Constellation. We enter into a cosmic human relationship. Holding hands with the divine. Working the within without.
We return sun sparked, casting our gaze inward, and upwards at the same time, as we honor the below and the descent, the deepening, the stillness. The quiet of stars and angels.
Let’s spin a new story.
Let’s sing a new song.
Let’s hold the sacred in one hand, and the holy in the other
centering ourselves into the gratitude that is being human. Despite and because of the crazy mess. The pain and the beauty. The suffering and the joy.
It’s been dark, so dark.
We are made more fertile because of this.
The light beckons. Are you listening? Get outside and greet her with a poem. Sing her a new song.
Stasha of the Wild Matryoshka
All images: Tijana Lucavic of Tijana Draws
A new baby was born during the dark nights!
I have officially published a glorious anthology of poetry and prose written by 13 amazing women who journeyed with me last Spring/Summer during a writes of passage: Crack open the Story. We journeyed for 13 weeks. Into 12 fairytales and myths. This book is our new creation. Hand spun. Golden threads. Stories. Poems. Elixirs.
There Blooms, their blooms… the new dawn -cracked open. Wet and glistening. Beauty laden. Drenched with Eros. Sparked with light.